Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Array and Pointer and Difference

*pointer of array:-All the variables can be manipulated in the memory by their addresses. CPU uses these addresses to fetch them, change them and save them. So, all variables have an address (not only those that you pointed to them). We can find out the address of a variable by (&) operator, in form of:* ptr=&intvar

array of pointer:-
An array is just a sequence of variables.


1) A pointer is a place in memory that keeps address of another place inside, while an array is a single, preallocated chunk of contiguous elements (all of the same type), fixed in size and location.

2) Array like pointers can't be initialized at definition like arrays.
char car[3]={'a','b',66};
char* cpt=new char[3];

3) When we allocate memory for a pointer to use it as a dynamic array. The memory can be resized or freed later. But this is not the case for arrays.

For example:
char* pta=new char[12];
4.)Pointers are used to manipulate data using the address. Pointers use * operator to access the data pointed to by them.Arrays use subscripted variables to access and manipulate data.Array variables can be equivalently written using pointer expression.

Global Positioning System

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a navigation and precise-positioning tool.Using the Global Positioning System the
following two values can be determined anywhere on Earth :
1. One’s exact location (longitude, latitude and height co-ordinates) accurate to within a range of 20 m to
approx. 1 mm.
2. The precise time (Universal Time Coordinated, UTC)

The main components of a GPS receiver are shown in Fig. 10. These are:
- Antenna with pre-amplifier
- RF section with signal identification and signal processing
- Micro-processor for receiver control, data sampling and data processing
- Precision oscillator
- Power supply
- User interface, command

Sensitive antenna of the GPS receiver detects the electromagnetic wave
signal transmitted by GPS satellites and converts the wave energy to electric
current] amplifies the signal strength and sends them to receiver electronics.
2.)RF Section with Signal Identification and Processing
The incoming GPS signals are down converted to a lower frequency in
the RS section and processed within one or more channels.
To control the operation of a GPS receiver, a microprocessor is essential
for acquiring the signals, processing of the signal and the decoding of the
broadcast message.
4.)Precision Oscillator
A reference frequency in the receiver is generated by the precision oscillator.
5.)Memory Capacity
For port processing purposes all data have to be stored on internal or
external memory devices.

*Providing Geodetic control.
* Survey control for Photogrammetric control surveys and mapping.
* Finding out location of offshore drilling.
*Pipeline and Power line survey.
* Navigation of civilian ships and planes.
* Crustal movement studies.
* Geophysical positioning, mineral exploration and mining.
*Determination of a precise geoid using GPS data.
*Estimating gravity anomalies using GPS.
* Offshore positioning: shiping, offshore platforms, fishing boats etc.

Macro definition or

• Macro definition consists of
i) macro prototype ii) one of more model iii) macro preprocessor
• Macro definition is in between a macro header statement and a macro e statement.
• Syntax of macro prototype statement < macro name> [ < formal parameter spec> [; ... ]] where < macro name> = It is in the mnemonic field of an assembly statement < formal parameter spec > is in the following form < parameter name > [ < parameter kind > ]
• Syntax of the macro call is < macro name> [ < actual parameter spec> [; ... ]]

Macro Expansion:-
• Macro call leads to macro expansion.
• Macro call statement is replaced by a sequence of assembly statement in macro expansion.
• Two key notions are used in macro expansion
a)Expansion time control flow
b)Lexical substitution
• Algorithm for macro expansion

Bit or Boud Rate

Bit rates :-measure of the number of data bits (that's 0's and 1's) transmitted in one second in a communication channel. A figure of 2400 bits per second means 2400 zeros or ones can be transmitted in one second, hence the abbreviation "bps".

Baud rate:-A baud rate, means the number of times a signal in a communications channel changes state or varies. For example, a 2400 baud rate means that the channel can change states up to 2400 times per second. The term "change state", means that it can change from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0 up to X (in this case, 2400) times per second.

Macro definition or

• Macro definition consists of
i) macro prototype ii) one of more model iii) macro preprocessor
• Macro definition is in between a macro header statement and a macro e statement.
• Syntax of macro prototype statement < macro name> [ < formal parameter spec> [; ... ]] where < macro name> = It is in the mnemonic field of an assembly statement < formal parameter spec > is in the following form < parameter name > [ < parameter kind > ]
• Syntax of the macro call is < macro name> [ < actual parameter spec> [; ... ]]

Macro Expansion:-
• Macro call leads to macro expansion.
• Macro call statement is replaced by a sequence of assembly statement in macro expansion.
• Two key notions are used in macro expansion
a)Expansion time control flow
b)Lexical substitution
• Algorithm for macro expansion

Systems Approach to Management

Systems Approach to Management--It coordinative relations between all related business systems.
The systems approach to management is a concept which views a company as an interconnected purposive system that consists of several business sections. It is a management approach which enables the leadership to see the company as a unified part or a major section of the larger outside corporate environment. Even a small activity in a part has a substantial effect on other sections in the company. Such a system may be biological, physical or social; and may enable the management to efficiently determine the long-term goals of the company.
* Contributions of Systems Approach To Management :-
Under systems approach, managers have a good view of the organisation.
It gives importance to interdependence of the different parts of an organisation and its environment.
It foretastes consequences and plans actions.
Systems thinking warns managers against adopting piecemeal approach to the problem-solving.

What is the Purpose of Organizational Structure?

What is the Purpose of Organizational Structure?---
The purpose of an organizational structure is to define the guidelines, parameters and the procedural process necessary for a group to accomplish a main objective.
An organizational structure organizes priorities hierarchically by means of identifying tasks critical to a group realizing an end goal.It's primary purpose is facilitating the achievement of organizational goals in an efficient manner.
a)Distribution of Authority:-Determining how an organizational structure distributes tasks involves identifying if the structure will adopt a decentralized strategy .
b)Span-of-Control:-Span-of-control portion of an organizational structure defines the amount of employees an authority figure is responsible for.The span-of-control is expressed one of two ways: a wide span of control where managers supervise many employees; a narrow span of control where managers supervise few employees.
c)Line vs. Staff Structures:-An organizational structure may adopt a live structure or a staff structure or both to achieve their main objectives.Line structure identifies the activities directly responsible for the organization's main goal, such as the labor involved in making an actually product. A staff structure is the support staff or network assisting the line structures in their goals.
d)Organizational Height:-Organizational height defines how many levels or layers from the decision makers and down there are. Organizational height is expressed as tall organizations with many levels or flat organizations with few levels.
c)Departmentalization:-It determine, categorize, and organize the variety of tasks to be accomplished when achieving a main goal and decide how to separate specific tasks from others.