Monday, November 28, 2011


Debugger:-A debugger or debugging tool is a computer program that is used to test and debug other programs .
In writing the program certain errors ,called bugs ,can occur in the program.This cause to not function as the original output .Sometimes these errors are easy to fix, while some bugs are very difficult to trace.So we use a program called debugger.
Debuggers help software developers find and eliminate bugs while they are writing programs. A debugger tells the programmer what types of errors it finds and often marks the exact lines of code where the bugs are found.
Debuggers also allow programmers to run a program step by step so that they can determine exactly when and why a program error occur.
Function performed by debugger:
1.)What statement or expression was the program executing at the time of a fatal error?
2.)If a fatal error occurs while executing a function, what line of the program contains the call to
that function?
3.)What are the values of program variables (including parameters) at a particular point during
execution of the program?
4.)What is the result of evaluating a particular expression at some point in the program?
5.)What is the sequence of statements actually executed in a program?