Sunday, November 27, 2011

Global Positioning System

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a navigation and precise-positioning tool.Using the Global Positioning System the
following two values can be determined anywhere on Earth :
1. One’s exact location (longitude, latitude and height co-ordinates) accurate to within a range of 20 m to
approx. 1 mm.
2. The precise time (Universal Time Coordinated, UTC)

The main components of a GPS receiver are shown in Fig. 10. These are:
- Antenna with pre-amplifier
- RF section with signal identification and signal processing
- Micro-processor for receiver control, data sampling and data processing
- Precision oscillator
- Power supply
- User interface, command

Sensitive antenna of the GPS receiver detects the electromagnetic wave
signal transmitted by GPS satellites and converts the wave energy to electric
current] amplifies the signal strength and sends them to receiver electronics.
2.)RF Section with Signal Identification and Processing
The incoming GPS signals are down converted to a lower frequency in
the RS section and processed within one or more channels.
To control the operation of a GPS receiver, a microprocessor is essential
for acquiring the signals, processing of the signal and the decoding of the
broadcast message.
4.)Precision Oscillator
A reference frequency in the receiver is generated by the precision oscillator.
5.)Memory Capacity
For port processing purposes all data have to be stored on internal or
external memory devices.

*Providing Geodetic control.
* Survey control for Photogrammetric control surveys and mapping.
* Finding out location of offshore drilling.
*Pipeline and Power line survey.
* Navigation of civilian ships and planes.
* Crustal movement studies.
* Geophysical positioning, mineral exploration and mining.
*Determination of a precise geoid using GPS data.
*Estimating gravity anomalies using GPS.
* Offshore positioning: shiping, offshore platforms, fishing boats etc.

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